Here are some photos of Cindy's son Josh and his wife Jackie's little boy Will.
He seems to be doing very well. He is now about three weeks old. He has been breathing on his own for a couple of weeks (with an oxygen hose up his nose). They have now taken the pick (?) line out of his heart which means that his heart seems to be doing good. He has had two head scans and one organ scan and they all have come back with good results.
He has been taking his mother's milk and has been gaining weight. He has been loosing some also which is what they want him to do so that they know he is not retaining it.
Jackie had an abscessed tooth that had to be treated and in doing so she became dehydrated and her milk stopped producing. They have now had to put the baby on formula and rice. I'm not sure if that is good or bad. Please pray that Jackie's milk will start producing again and for the health of little Will. They are hoping that he will be able to come home by Christmas.
Thanks for all of your prayers. I hope everything is going well for you, Jorde and Maggie.
All our love,
John and Cindy
Please remember his parents in your prayers, as well. I cannot imagine having to leave my baby at the hospital each night. Thanks, y'all. You're the best :)