
Miss Maggie's Social Calendar Is Now Full

Good morning. Miss Maggie's Social Secretary here.

At least, that's who I was this past weekend. My baby girl has more social engagements than I do ... but luckily she is not yet driving and needs me for transportation, otherwise she might just take off in her stroller and I wouldn't see her 'til sundown.

We had another busy weekend. This one was also productive, though - it always feels good to get a big job accomplished doesn't it? My mom came over Saturday morning and we squared away Maggie's nursery. Packed up tons of blankets, baby clothes that don't fit anymore (I can't believe how small those preemies are!) and generally put everything in working order for her. It's amazing the floor space you have when you put things away. And thankfully, my mom is Super Packer Extraordinaire. It comes in handy, don't ya know :)

After tidying up the nursery (insert Mary Poppins reference here) we got all cleaned up and out the door for a day of social fun.

 First was a baby shower for one of Hubby's cousins. Kate did such a sweet job of giving the shower, and it looks like Sandra received a lot of things to help her get ready for the Imminent Arrival. We couldn't stay the whole time though, because our engagements overlapped ... so our next destination was:

Jack's 1st Birthday Party!

We have been looking forward to celebrating this little guy's birthday. His parents, Alison and Johnny, gave him a wonderful party full of loving people, fun gifts and Chocolate Cupcakes. Jack was excited to see that cupcake and proceeded to eat with a gusto rarely seen outside of the toddler age bracket. Needless to say, he got a tad messy :)

It was an all-around enjoyable afternoon, as you can tell by the big ole grin on Maggie's face ...

By the time we got home, the lack of enough sleep for Maggie that day was showing. Oh my. Hubby was away on doing music for a youth retreat, so once we got home, Maggie and I ate supper and off to bed we went ... at 8:30 pm!! That felt so good, I can't even tell ya :)

We have even more things going on this month, including Maggie's first college football game (we're going to the ASU game on Halloween ... Maggie will be dressed as an Auburn Tiger!) AND a visit from Ashli, which we are all looking forward to! We'll keep the pictures coming ... if I can remember to pack extra batteries (we had all of 1 photo of Jack at his party and then the batteries died ... brilliant move, eh?)

(btw ... these pictures were taken by our friend, Lisa - aren't they fabulous?!)