
Who Are We Looking For?

(from the 2010 Magnificat Lenten Companion)

Judas proclaims his love for the poor. Mary loves. Unself-consciously and sincerely, Mary loves. She does not measure her love or wonder what people will think of her expression of love; she loves. Her eyes are on Jesus, and this makes here a supreme witness to the greatness of her beloved Lord. Judas utters and idea that seems very good, to sell Mary's perfume for the poor. He dresses up his pettiness well. His greates sin might not be thievery, but the hardness of heart that does not recognize and rejoice in the presence of Jesus right there before him. Mary's love is not her idea, but her response to Jesus who has come to her home. Where is Judas' joy that Jesus has come into his life? Judas' good intentions will never be enough to satisfy him or to change his petty heart; we will see that in the tragedy of Wednesday of Holy Week. On this Monday of Holy Week, let us ask: Has Lent been the sum total of my good intentions, or rather a time when I have recognized anew the presence of Christ who comes into my life? Another way to ask this would be, "Are you satisfied, are you rejoicing, are you in love?" It may be too late for Judas; it is not too late for us.

Reflection based on John 12:1-11
Father Richard Veras

Father, help me to recognize and accept the love of your Son,
Jesus Christ, that I may love.

Today's suggested penance: Say "I'm sorry" to someone who is alienated from you.