... as evidenced by my new blog design. Which I did all by my little ole self. (Add back pat here - haha!)
Well, me, lots of Coke, and some uber-helpful tutorials I found online. Specifically?
* Blogger Buster - super big help!!
* Kevin and Amanda - I used their tutorial regarding special fonts for post & sidebar titles
* Hackosphere
I loved my old design (by The Design Girl - loved it), but I just could not see paying more money whenever I wanted a new look (for whatever reason, holidays, birthdays, a whim), so I used Maggie's nap and/or playtime the past 3 days to gain a very simple understanding of html and css, downloaded some digital scrapbooking stuff and voila!
So, you're in the right spot, even though it looks different. And who knows when the urge to do this again will strike ... so don't be surprised if you show up and it has changed. This is redecorating I can do for FREE, so I plan to take advantage :)
Happy Thursday, y'all!