Everything looks good, though, regardless of our non-obliging kiddo. All Peanut's little parts are right on track. Weight is now 8 ounces (perfect!) and he's squirming around in there a lot, even though I can't yet feel it (the doc said, due to the position of the placenta, that it could easily be another month before I feel movement, since the placenta will act as a cushion or buffer). The only thing the tech or ultrasound doctor couldn't get a good picture of was Peanut's heart. The doc said Peanut's heart looks good and the heartbeat and rythmn are normal, so we have nothing to worry about, but because our babe was laying transverse today (sideways across my belly as opposed to up-n-down) and was refusing to change positions at all, that they would want to try again in a couple of weeks or so to get the heart picture they want for our profile. Which, of course, means more pics of Peanut - oh, darn :)
Due to my age at the time of delivery (they sure make 35 sound so old!), the doc offered amniocentesis, which I quickly declined. None of the testing indicates any need for it, plus it's creepy and I don't want another one (I had one in the hospital in April and they had to stick me TWICE - blllaaaaggghhh!!!!)
Also, as an update, the monitoring for incompetent cervix officially began today, and all looks well. I will be going weekly until about the first week in February, so I won't be updating here after every monitoring appointment. Just assume no news is good news.
And, without further ado, another pic of Peanut: