
Maggie Visits the Dentist

Today was Maggie's first official dental exam. I say 'official' because she spent the better part of a year in that dental office with my parents when my mom was having a major mouth overhaul, so she's well known by the staff there and had already had her teeth looked at a couple of times.

Here is Li'l Miss Hollywood outside Dr. Dale's office...

...and here she is showing off her 'Cindy-gwey-ya' shoes (that 'Cinderella' for those without a Maggie translator available).

(Note that the sun went behind a cloud and I ended up with a blue-toned picture. I have got to get a new computer so I can start fixing that stuff. Anyway, back to Maggie.)

Maggie was wonderful at the dentist's. She took her blanky with her and let Dr. Dale tickle her teeth (that's what we call it at home). We then counted her teeth, in order to get her to open up again. Her teeth all look good, though Dr. Dale did mention that she is delayed in getting some in (which isn't a bad thing, according to him). It's easy to forget that Maggie is a preemie - it's the usual explanation for why she may be behind in anything growth related.

She was very quiet the whole time, and obedient, but I could tell near the end that she was getting upset, and as the dentist was finishing up I saw two little tears in her eyes and decided she was done. I picked her up and she just cuddled in with her blanky for a couple of minutes. Then she got back in the chair and started watching their "Puppy Goes to the Dentist" movie and rifling through her goodie bag (she scored a Cinderella toothbrush). She also hit up the treasure chest on the way out and got a tiny squirt gun and a small stuffed elephant (she watched Dumbo last night for the first time and loved it!).

I called my mom later in the morning to check on Maggie. I wanted to be sure she was doing well emotionally. My mom told me when Maggie got to their house she came running in the door saying "Doc-y Dale checky teef". When my Mom asked her how her teeth were, she said, "ok".

All in all, a very good start. Thank you, Dr. Dale!


My Tired Girl

Thursdays can be long days for Maggie. Breakfast is earlier than usual because she has a swim lesson every Thursday morning, so consequently lunch and naptime are usually earlier as well, but bedtime doesn't usually change. Add in the fact that the girl expends a lot of energy while swimming, and you could have a pretty tired girl on your hands by the end of the day. She has been known to fall asleep over her "second breakfast" bowl of oatmeal or bananas :)

Last night, she was wired, but wired in that "I really haven't had enough sleep and am now zooming around the room like a crazy person in an effort to stay awake awake awake!" kind of way. Parents of toddlers, you know what I mean :) Maggie didn't settle down until I put her in the carseat for the ride home.

She started chatting the minute I started driving. Maggie is a chatterbox on a regular day but when she's tired and chatty (so as to stay awake) she is very repetitive, and it can be frustrating to answer the same question ten times in a row. I had to ask her four times last night if she wanted me to sing her a lullaby because she didn't register my question - she was tiredly, completely focused on Frosty's wellbeing (Fwosty sad?), and wasn't hearing either my answers or my questions to her. 'Zoned out' may be the best description.

She finally heard me, though, and began requesting songs. Singing always quiets her down. Our drive is about thirty minutes, so we do this every day.

Last night, right before the singing, my sweet-voiced little girl said, "Mommy, I sweepy. I nee go bed."

We got home, did our nighttime routine, and when I laid her down and covered her with her blanket, Maggie rolled right over on her side and said, "Niy-niy, Mommy. Yuv ooo," and was asleep seconds later.

A tender moment to end our day - I can't ask for better.


Mommy, I Wan' Collie!

This is one of Maggie's favorite things to do ... color. Or collie, as she says.

There isn't usually a chance for me to take a picture of her coloring because I wan' collie is often followed by the demand Mommy, sit! Sit down!. She likes to have a companion with her when she plays (or p'yays, as the girl says).


Lately, whenever she laughs, Maggie has started covering her mouth with her hand. I don't know why she does it but it is seriously funny and cute. She's turning in to such  little lady {smile}.

Um, and can we talk about those legs? When did they get so long?! Like Auntie Jan says, I've got to quit blinking. The girl is growing up too fast.


3rd Cousins

Maggie had fun a couple of weekends ago with her 3rd cousins, Kaylen and Keira, who were in town with their family. 

Maggie had two willing playmates with as much energy as she has, which gave the parents and grandparents a little reprieve from the constant demand of p'yay (play).

Except maybe Grandma. I seem to recall Maggie leading her around a bit. The rest of us had a relaxing visit {smile}. 

An amusing story about these pictures: Keira (on the right) made a point to tell me that she did not move the whole time I was taking pictures. She froze until I told them I was finished. She was very proud of herself and I told her how helpful she was for doing that. Such a cute little moment {smile}.


Random Thoughts

It's after 10 p.m. My girl is sound asleep, Hubby is at his mom's packing up gear from the recording session he had today, and I am enjoying the benefits of wireless internet (I'm sitting on my sofa in my pj's as I type).

I have a lot of random thoughts clogging my head these days, so I thought I'd take a minute and get them out:

* Maggie is trying to potty train herself, it seems. This past week she has asked to go poopy on the potty almost every day. I should note that we have not technically started potty training yet. She's growing up so fast. It's like I blinked my eyes and she sat up ... crawled ... walked ... talked ... potty trained. Where did all that time go? I still can't believe she is two.

* Our seminarian friend, Scott, was in town last weekend and we saw him at Mass. He looks so fantastic, the best I've ever seen him.

* One of my friends from high school emailed me last week about our 20 year class reunion coming up next summer. Am I really old enough to have been graduated from high school for 20 years? Bah.

* Regarding the reunion, my friend added me to the reunion facebook page, so I guess now I am track-downable. I tend to fly under the radar where all of that stuff is concerned. Don't get me wrong - I loved high school. I didn't want to graduate (though I did, with good grades and everything), and would randomly go back and visit a couple of favorite teachers during my college years. Now, though, I like my memories of high school, and don't want to tarnish them by tallying them against current reality.

* The one person I did think of when I heard about the reunion is Eric Motley. I wonder about him from time to time - he is one of my all-time favorite people. He's one of those friends you couldn't help but love. Just thinking about him makes me smile. I remember him being so kind and generous and genuine, and hope that life hasn't changed any of that. I know he's a success - I can't imagine him as anything else.

* My two best friends - Ashli and Mary - are engaged and planning weddings. It's so exciting! I love these ladies so much, and miss them all the time, and am thrilled to be a part of each of their special days. I wish I could be there (in the South) to help with all the shopping and running around. Since I can't, I have a new appreciation for email and the internet. I can still 'ooo' and 'ahh' over everything, just from afar :)

*We are road tripping with Maggie for both weddings - one is in Louisiana in December, the other in Alabama in May. I'll have to let you know how that goes.

* Our friends, Steve and Jess, are expecting their second baby (a boy) on our wedding anniversary, which I think is fun :)

* Our newlywed friend, Joe, was deployed to Afganistan about 3 weeks ago. He and Lisa have been very much on my mind and in my prayers.

* Hubby and I both want to go see HP7.5 again. We saw it a couple of weeks after it came out and I wanted to stay in the theatre and watch it again right then, so hopefully that will be a date night sometime soon.

* I am so ready for fall to get here. This endless heat is exhausting. The lows are about 89, so there is not much relief at night. Add in the humidity and it can get downright miserable. Come on, October!

Well, I hear the key turning, so Hubby is home. Hope y'all have a lovely Sunday tomorrow.